Saturday, September 17, 2011


Readers, I will be writing much on our current president since I have never seen such lack of common sense in my life. As a former Republican candidate and nominee for public office and a former County Chairman this is my return to politics having taken a sabbatical for several years. California was much too liberal for me.

Scandal, Scandal and more Scandal!  These are Bill & Hilliary's Whitewater but WORSE!  Nixon's Watergate but much WORSE!
How about his cozy relationship with GE CEO Immelt? Do you think there is a conflict there?
A U.S. soldier being told what to say before Congressional Hearings?
Lobbyists and business executives raising money for Obama, accessing the Oval Office and obtaining one half billion in funds for a start-up company? What's a start-up doing with a $2 Million budget for lobbyists in the first place? How many more of these are there? I'll be watching and writing about them.

Remember the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize? What peace did Obama create?
I'm just getting started.

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